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Service Hours

Check your hours here!
***If you notice any errors with your points, please email!***



The point system is used to ensure active participation by all of the members in our club. Members earn points for attendance and participation in Key Club meetings and activities each year. This serves as an incentive to take part in the activities of the club, and works to keep track of the volunteer hours members have accumulated from attending our events.

Previous Point Sheets

1 point is earned for every hour spent at a Key Club event.

Every member intending to run for a board position must attend at least two DCMs per semester. (with the exception of class director and committee chair) 

DCMs, or Divisional Council Meetings, are meetings that are held by the Key Clubs of schools in our division to share each club's activities with the others. During these meetings there are also leadership workshops and often guest speakers that provide and discuss volunteer opportunities. 

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